Blog Archive

'cause it's easier being a green sinner than a green saint . . .

New Year, new happenings

We're very excited about our first full year of growing and selling flowers. But like the flowers, we're retreating for the winter and building up our reserves to burst forth in the spring. Last week, we regrouped from the holidays and got the greenhouse organized. For the month of January, we'll be on hiatus from the Pittsburgh Public Market. We'll be back in February for your Valentine's Day needs, and again in March & April for Easter. Then we're back in full force when spring bursts into action for the entire month of May.

What are we doing in the meantime? Well, we're continuing our classes on topics such as terrarium building, bulb forcing, wedding planning and all sorts of other stuff, so you can still see us there. And we're working with other partners, including Phipps Conservatory, Construction Junction, and Creative Reuse Pittsburgh to bring more new classes your way as well. We'll also be participating in several wedding shows, including one at the Pittsburgh Public Market on February 25-26 (more details to come soon).

We're also working on several big new projects that aren't quite ready for the light of day yet, but I can give you a hint on one. You may already know that we have a greenhouse and workshop in Lawrenceville, and soon we'll be inviting you to come on down and visit us there, open for retail visitors. No pictures yet, but watch Facebook and you'll be able to see our progress as we get things ready!

We've added a calendar to our website so you can keep up with where we are and what's going on. And of course, if you need an emergency plant in the meantime, give us a call or send us email!
